JVBDS contracts with service providers to deliver mental health, intellectual disability, autism and early intervention services to residents of the Joinder.
JVBDS is also the entity responsible for applications for the emergency evaluation process and also for coordinating referrals and discharges with both civil and forensic state hospitals.

This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features. Encourage site visitors to learn more by exploring the full list of services offered.
The Joinder Board of Commissioners
The Administrative Office reports directly to the Joinder Board of Commissioners; and is responsible for planning, development and monitoring of services through contracts with over 40 individuals and agencies. Although in operation since 1969, the formal Joinder Board Agreement was established in 1976. The annual flow of events and decisions presented to the Commissioners is driven by the state fiscal year and the state reporting requirements. While the Joinder Board agenda is flexible, anyone can approach the Joinder Board at a public meeting held bi-monthly at 10:00 AM.